Bob Foster
Hi, I'm Bob Foster.

I live in Axbridge in Somerset, United Kingdom.
I'm a Retired Training Engineer who developed learning facilitation systems within a corporate environment (Sample). I have also had a book chapter published within the Dialog Studies series from John Benjamins publishing company. My MCQ-Creation Workshop exploring the fascinating task of creating Multiple Choice Questions has run regularly at the London International Conference on Education.
My more recent projects are:
- 'Stranger on the Shore - Illustrated Talk'
- My Recitals in 2019- 2018 2017
- The Axbridge Church Celebration of the Creative Arts
- The iSax Saxophone Quartet
- The Bon Accord Duo
- Home Tuition for Computer users
- Home Tuition for Clarinet and Saxophone players
- The Axbridge Earth Hour Concerts
- Foster, R.M. (2013) Universities training students for a MOOC-Education. In 'Proceedings of VI Global Universities in Distance Education (GUIDE) conference, Athens, Greece. 3 - 4 Oct 2013 (pdf )
- Foster, R.M. (2013) Training staff to use a new MCQ Generation methodology (CAREGen) in the UK Electricity Distribution Industry. In 'International Journal of Digital Society (IJDS), Volume 4, Issues 1 and 2, March/June 2013 723 - 729 (pdf )
- Foster, R.M. (2013) Improve MCQ-Creation Skills To Support Corporate Learning. In Proceedings of Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE) April 15-17, 2013, Dublin, Ireland (pdf poster)
- Foster, R.M. (2012) Using a new MCQ Generation methodology (CAREGen) in the UK Electricity Distribution Industry. In 'International Journal of Digital Society (IJDS), Volume 3, Issues 1 and 2, March/June 2012 643 - 651 (pdf poster)
- Foster, R.M. (2012) Evaluating an application of the CAREGen MCQ Creation Methodology. In Proceedings of London International Conference on Education (LICE) 2012, London, UK (pdf)
- Foster, R.M. (2011) Creating a High Voltage Cable-Jointing Knowledge check using the CARE Generation Methodology. In Proceedings of London International Conference on Education (LICE) 2011, London, UK (pdf)
- Foster, R.M. (2010) Automatic generation of Multiple Alternate Choice (MAC) test item stems by applying Causal Relation Explication, Addition and Manipulation (CREAM) to pre-processed source documents. In proceedings of London International Conference on Education (LICE) 2010, London, UK (abs pdf poster)
- Foster, R.M. (2010) Multiple Alternative Choice test items (MACs) deliver more comprehensive assessment information than traditional 4-option MC test items. In proceedings of London International Conference on Education (LICE) 2010, London, UK (abs pdf)
- Foster, R.M. (2010) Improve the output from a MCQ test item generator using Statistical NLP. In proceedings of the International Conference in Alternative Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2010, Sousse, Tunisia (abs pdf poster)
- Robert M. Foster (2010) Adapting multiple-choice item-writing guidelines to an industrial context In proceedings of the International Conference on Enterprise and Information Systems (ICEIS) 2010, Funchal, Madeira (abs pdf)
- Foster, R.M. (2010) Cataphoric lexicalisation In proceedings of the International Conference on Enterprise and Information Systems (ICEIS) 2010, Funchal, Madeira (abs pdf poster)
- Foster, R.M. (2009). Improving the Output from Software that Generates Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Test Items Automatically using Controlled Rhetorical Structure Theory. In Proceedings of RANLP 2009 Student Research Workshop, Borovets, Bulgaria, September 2009. pp. 29 to 34 (abs pdf poster)
- Foster, R.M. (2009). Controlled Specific Learning Objectives. In Proceedings of ACORN Graduate Conference, Aston University, May 2009. (abs poster)
I sing in the church choir at St Johns Church in Axbridge and I teach Clarinet and Saxophone from home. I also play saxophone in a local Rock Band called 'the Lost Sheep' and my other hobbies are writing Short Stories and Novels and Playing Bridge.
I have also created some Music CDs which have been used as background music on training videos produced at work. If you wish to contact me, I prefer to work with Emails since I am an early riser. My address is
Thanks for visiting my site, and I hope you find something of interest here. |